Tuesday, July 28, 2009

in the studio (at last)

In the studio today after a long (too long) dry spell. Well, not a dry spell really, it was more a matter of not having my priorities straight. So, now I'm trying to keep those priorities in order and make studio time the top one every day (when possible of course). The problem this morning was what to work on; new inspiration, or old project? The answer seems to be a bit of both. I often work with Creative Paperclay and it's best built up in layers, so I added layers to some already-in-progress work. I also started some backgrounds for some small assemblage pieces. This afternoon I'm going to search through my treasure trove of the bits and pieces that have followed me home and see what wants to be part of the assemblages. I think I'm also going to get out the sea glass that we found on the beach in Grand Turk and think about making some souvenirs from our family vacation. I guess that's part of the problem too isn't it? So much inspiration, so little time!

Anne Ross Oliva


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